Salluit 2012

We returned to Salluit to deliver our younger kids program and also work with some of the older youth around things like leadership. The start of the week was challenging with 100 younger kids – but we focused on a lot of meditation techniques every day to create a sense of calm and focus, and by the end of the week things felt amazing. I think their was even a larger community gathering for the final night show than our last project here and there was a great sense of pride. Some local older youth worked with a bunch of younger Throat Singers and we talked daily about healing and different types of respect. Meals were prepared with the assistance of a dedicated group of students and the teeshirts that all the youth were given for the Friday night show were designed and created by local youth with help from Adam Sturgeon. There is some talk about us returning in the summer of 2013 to deliver a summer camp with some of the days being out on the land. Stayed tuned ! What a great community !
