This was our first project and launched BluePrintForLife. It was only meant to be a single project but word of mouth spread to other communities and request for our workshops grew. It was also special in that a documentary was made on this project by BluePrint and shared to other communities in Nunavut. We had some unique partners such as Jonathon Cruz (Blaze) , Sylvia Cloutier, and DJ Mad Eskimo. It took a lot of effort to make this first one happen and lots of credit goes out to Gillian Corless and Carol Gregson who helped make it a reality. Gillian worked for “Nunavut’s Promise to Children and Youth” and together we did the long grant application efforts with Crime Prevention Canada, Embrace Life and Brighter futures. We were also supported by CLEY and the dept of Education of Nunavut. It was also special because we had 15 youth from the Baffin Correctional Facility involved fully everyday. We heard directly from the guards that when the youth returned to the facility each night that they had never seen them in such good spirits and cooperative with each other. There was not a single behavioral issue with this group of youth and we were sooooo happy to have them involved. This reflects BluePrint’s value system of no child left behind, whether its because of their history, or mental health and disabilities. Blueprint is proud of the fact that we continue to find creative was of integrating all youth into our workshops. We introduced the concept of Throat Boxing (combining BeatBox with Throat singing), and included Drum dancing and Elders. To finish the week off we had a great night performing and celebrating Sylvia Cloutier’s 30th birthday at the legion. Thank you parents of Iqaluit for trusting us with your children.